Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Blog

So, I thought it was necessary to do one final blog post for the semester.

Last night was kind-of crazy. I was really worried that we wouldn't be able to finish in time, but we did! I wanted to write up a summary of all the work we did these last couple of weeks, but a lot of it is a blur right now.

For us, the budget was perfect (No pun intended. I swear, I can never say that word again without cringing). It was enough that we were able to still go out and film some last minute emergency footage. Although, had we not needed the extra b roll we probably would have been much more under budget.

Working with Meg and Jess was amazing. Jess is extremely organized, which was really helpful for Meg and me. She kept track of everything for the project and was honestly just a really fun person to be around. Meg is one of my closest friends, so of course I'm gonna love working with her. It was helpful that we live together, so we could discuss and work on the project whenever.

This is the project I think I am most proud of out of everything I've written or made since coming to IC. It was a challenging, sometimes infuriating, but ultimately amazing experience.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Woo new blog post

Worked on the rough cut some more this past weekend. Our schedules were all over the place, so we just kinda had a revolving door thing going on. Someone would leave and someone would come back to work on it. We were originally going to mix music for the rough but decided against it because we were worried we'd be told to move things around and would just have to re-mix everything anyways. 

I think we were a little confused also about how the rough cut process was going to go. We thought we were viewing the trailers as a class, but after that turned out not to be the case we figured we'd be doing the same thing with the roughs. That's the reason we didn't export it or kill ourselves as much as we did when we tried to get out trailer done in time for a class viewing.

Today, Meg and I took out the camera and got more shots or Erin and the counseling center. Meg took the camera back up to the house and got shots of Red Bull and pills. 

Tomorrow, Meg and I are planning to edit and hopefully get most of it completed. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Some updates

Over break Meg and I split the documentary in half to work on the rough cut. Meg ended up finishing the whole thing, so we just decided to use hers as it was already in one file. I've been using the half that I did as reference when editing.

Jess started the trailer over break, and we finished it when we got back. I played with mixing music in Soundtrack Pro, which was fun at first but definitely a bit of a challenge. I definitely don't see scoring films in my future.

The three of us got together on Friday to work on the rough cut some more, and I think Meg and I are going to work on it more together tonight.