Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Meeting

I feel really good about our documentary. Meg, Jess and I just had an awesome meeting. We went though and outlined most of our project: we decided how we wanted to order the doc and the "plot" of it. Over Thanksgiving, I'm going to work on half of the rough cut and Meg's gonna do the other half. Jess is going to go through the b roll and choosing all the best parts. We're meeting next Monday to put together the trailer. So yeah, I'm pretty excited by how well this is going.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Sorry for my last blog. There were a couple deaths this past week, and it was taking a toll. That's also why I stayed home from class that Thursday.

Saturday was a bit of an... adventure. I would like to preface this by saying that people make mistakes. Shit happens.

So here's basic story of what happened on Saturday. Meg, Jess and I were driving to Auburn from Ithaca to re-shoot Zach's interview. When we got to Auburn Meg realized the SD cards were missing. We were kind of freaking out because we had nothing to save our footage on to. Meg went out and bought new cards, but they wouldn't work because they were class 4. We tried basically every other place in Auburn that might have class 6 SD cards, but nobody did. So, we all trooped back to Ithaca (luckily Zach was nice about it, and came along) where we shot the interview and got some b roll.

It was a long day, yes. I feel bad because I think Meg thought I was mad at her. But I really wasn't. I was just kinda carsick from all the driving, so I might have been acting a little weird from that. And honestly, Meg is always on top of her stuff. If she didn't mess up every once in awhile I'd start getting worried she was some robot coming to take over the human race (I still have that fear every once in a while). I know she was really worried that Jess and I were mad at her, but we weren't. There honestly wasn't a moment when I felt even a little angry. Mostly, I just felt really bad that Meg also had a Newswatch package to worry about and had to figure out time to grab stuff from her house to renew her license. So Meg, if you're reading this, don't worry! Just be happy that we are done with interviews. Done. DONE. OMG WE ARE FINALLY DONE.


Now, we've just got all that pesky editing to do...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Meg and Jess interviewed and got b-roll of our Mr. Anon. Unfortunately, the times he was available that worked best for Meg and Jess were times I have class. But his interview was awesome, and has some great quotes.

I helped shoot b-roll a bit today also, but had to run to class. Meg and Jess interviewed the psychiatrist, but I was in class yet again. Stupid class getting in the way of everything, you'd think I was going to school or something.

We're all set to go to Auburn on Saturday to reshoot Zach. Meg went down last Friday to shoot him, but the footage came out funky. I was supposed to go down with her, but the world decided to hate me and give me a stomach virus. So instead I stayed in the health center until 8pm. I feel really bad that she had to go down alone. Luckily, this time we'll all be there.

Sorry if I seem a bit blah in this, it's been a rough couple of weeks.