Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Meg and Jess interviewed and got b-roll of our Mr. Anon. Unfortunately, the times he was available that worked best for Meg and Jess were times I have class. But his interview was awesome, and has some great quotes.

I helped shoot b-roll a bit today also, but had to run to class. Meg and Jess interviewed the psychiatrist, but I was in class yet again. Stupid class getting in the way of everything, you'd think I was going to school or something.

We're all set to go to Auburn on Saturday to reshoot Zach. Meg went down last Friday to shoot him, but the footage came out funky. I was supposed to go down with her, but the world decided to hate me and give me a stomach virus. So instead I stayed in the health center until 8pm. I feel really bad that she had to go down alone. Luckily, this time we'll all be there.

Sorry if I seem a bit blah in this, it's been a rough couple of weeks.

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