Monday, September 27, 2010

Some quick updates

I began working on the website mockup this week in photoshop, and I'm testing out different color schemes now. I always forget how much I hate Internet Explorer. Every time I code something it will look perfect in Firefox, Safari, and Flock, but something will always show up wrong in IE. It never fails.

My hatred of web browsers aside, this weekend wasn't as productive as we had hoped. The student we were going to interview in Auburn got sick, so we had to cancel the shoot. Meg and I will be going next weekend though, if everything goes as planned at least.

I just contacted ITS about getting set up on the IC server to host our website. And yes there is, but it's just the web profile manager. It's at and then you just log in with your normal Ithaca username and password. I might just set up an account with Freewebs or Tumblr though, that way we can still be creative when it comes to coding and design versus using IC's generic profile account.

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