Monday, October 4, 2010

There are way too many baked goods in this house.

Wow, is it seriously October already? I feel like this semester is going both really fast and really slow at the same time... I didn't even realize that was possible.

We got our first (usable) shoot done. It went really well, Erin was great. I think in a lot of ways she portrays the "healthy" overachiever. She's stressed and taking on a lot, but she also has a great support system to back her up. I think her interview shows why it's important to be able to talk about emotions and mental health. Erin is in one of my classes, and the professor is awesome and is allowing us to film a bit while she gives a presentation on monarchies (it's a European politics class).

Meg and I should be traveling to Auburn this upcoming Friday to interview Zach, which will be a great addition. We're still waiting to hear from Lebron on when a good time to reshoot will be.

As for other b roll, we'll need stuff of everyone we interview. I've made a list of some more "generic" shots we can get too.

We were hoping to see if one of the composition students in Whalen would want to score our piece. If we get it done soon enough, we should be good. I think having that will be a nice touch to the piece.

To Do:

Re-interview Lebron + b-roll
Interview Zach in Auburn + b-roll
Jayson from Cornell (President of Minds Matter) + b-roll
One of the students from Cornell + b-roll
B-Roll of Erin – in class, doing Newswatch
Finish graphics for website 
Translate current coding to work on Tumblr

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